Massage Parlours Newtown PL15

Massage Parlours Newtown PL15

The night had been a long one and my husband was snoring soundly beside me. Exhaustion had finally taken him and he was oblivious to my presence as I rolled over, struggling to fall asleep myself. Frustration and fatigue had taken over and all I wanted was to simply drift off and have a good night’s rest. My eyes had just fluttered closed when a faint suggestion of music caught my attention.

A few beats in and I perked up. Intrigued, I listened intently, trying to trace the source of the mysterious melody. With a sudden flurry of understanding, it came to me. I had seen the sign on my stroll through town; ‘Massage Parlours Newtown PL15’ was it.

The thought of a relaxing massage was just enough to break the trance-like state of limbo I had been stuck in. I had been feeling frustrated lately, my workload escalating and all the demands of my job had taken a toll don my physical and emotional wellbeing. Surely a massage therapy session at Massage Parlours Newtown PL15 would do me some good.

With new vigor, I grabbed my coat and handbag and rushed out of the door, the music from the massage parlour still playing in my head. Not even 10 minutes later I hailed a taxi and finally arrived before the parlours doors.

I peered out the window, the place looked calm and inviting with the amber street lamps illuminating the darkness. A stream of classical music greeted me as I stepped through the threshold, luring me further in. There was a pleasant smell in the air and I felt instantly relaxed. The thought of waiting for a consultation left me in a daze and I continued to explore the parlour for a few moments until a woman’s voice suddenly broke the stillness.

“Welcome!” She said with a warm smile. “How can I help you today?”

I was taken aback by her friendliness and thanked her before explaining why I was there. She nodded and quickly ushered me over to a couch where I could sit while she went off to fetch some paperwork. I sat back, taking in the aroma of tropical scents that infused the air, fully relishing the pleasant atmosphere.

When the woman returned, she handed me the forms to sign and asked me to take off all my clothes, save for my underwear. I felt embarrassed, but dutifully complied, taking the robe provided and covering my body. She then showed me to the massage room and instructed me to lie down on the table, covering me with a sheet before leaving.

Lying in the darkness, I felt my muscles slowly relax as I laid there for a few minutes. To my surprise, the door opened once again and the same woman from before stepped in. However, she was no longer wearing the same outfit she had had before. This time, she was wearing a skin tight red outfit, her curves evident beneath the fabric and her gaze blazed with a suggestive twinkle.

I realized that she was here to give me the massage. She began with gentle strokes, running her fingers through my hair, my skin tingling with the sensation. As she moved downwards, I felt my body coming alive as her touch turned more intimate. She worked her way down my stomach, applying pressure to my muscles and coaxing my tightness away. The sensations were incredible and I soon found myself in a state of complete relaxation, her hands working curves of pleasure all over my body as we continued to explore ourselves.

We had been going at it for what seemed like hours when I finally found my way to the edge of my climax and all I wanted was her to finally soothe me over it. Just as I was about to come, she switched it up and took me down a different path, her fingers playing sensually, exploring my body like someone with all the time in the world.

Finally, as I began to drift off, she returned to my erogenous zones and I could feel my pleasure points sparking once again. I could sense the forbidden intensity of it all and as I gave in to her touch and finally came, the sensation lasted for what felt like an eternity.

When I finally opened my eyes, I found myself alone in the massage parloure, the scent of the candles still in the air and my body feeling refreshed. It had been an amazing experience, one that I would never forget. I knew then that I would be returning to Massage Parlours Newtown PL15 again and again.