Massage Parlours Kirkland CA10

Massage Parlours Kirkland CA10

Kirkland CA10 was an unlikely place for an adult massage parlour, but there it was; nestled into a block of shops and offices near the mountains. Being nestled away like this made it the perfect spot to visit if anyone wanted to experience a bit of adult fun in complete privacy and anonymity.

Paul was one such person. It was not something that he was proud of, but there was no denying that he was filled with a sense of excited anticipation as he walked up to the entrance of the massage parlour. He paused at the glass door, trying to take in the details of the establishment before him. He could see the soft lighting of the lobby, the pinkish glow emanating from within casting a warm and inviting atmosphere. It was far removed from the hustle and bustle of the city, allowing him to forget all his worries.

Paul pushed open the door and stepped inside. He was immediately greeted by a pleasant and friendly receptionist, who gave him a warm smile and asked for his details. After entering his details into a computer, the receptionist ushered him through to a room where he was asked to change into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

After changing, Paul was led along a dimly lit corridor and into a warm and dimly lit room. The room had a large bed in the centre, covered in a crisp white sheet. Paul lay down on the bed and the masseuse entered soon after. She was a slender woman of middle age, wearing a white cotton kimono and holding various bottles of massage oil.

As she began the massage, Paul felt his body start to relax and the stress of the day began to melt away. The masseuse used various techniques to work into his muscles, calming them and allowing him to truly relax and let go. She worked her way slowly up Paul’s body, from his feet, slowly kneading his calves, thighs and abdomen.

As her hands moved up his body, Paul felt the massage getting more and more sensual. Every now and then the masseuse would stop and lightly caress the most sensitive parts of his body, eliciting a deep sigh of pleasure from him. As the massage continued, he felt her hands move lower, towards his Hard and turgid penis. Soon enough, she was fully massaging his penis, sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through his body.

The masseuse continued to work him up to a fever pitch of pleasure until it was too much for him to handle. Just when he felt like he was going to explode, she paused and smiled down at him knowingly. Soon enough, she brought out a sumptuous array of sex toys, from dildos, butt plugs and vibrators to bondage restraints, cock rings, and lubricants. Paul felt his breath catch as he looked at the selection of adult toys in front of him.

The masseuse then got to work, using every toy, technique, and position possible to bring Paul to the brink of orgasm. She teased and tantalized him until he was screaming and begging for release. Finally, in a mad rush of pleasure and sensation, Paul was able to let go and reach the heights of pleasure. He felt as though he was floating, the intense and powerful orgasm taking over his body.

When the massage was finished, Paul felt an enormous sense of satisfaction and contentment. He had experienced a level of intimate pleasure that he had only ever imagined before, and the masseuse had been a master at her art. He left the massage parlour with a feeling of calm and peace, feeling connected to the world around him. All his worries forgotten, Paul returned to the hustle and bustle of the city with a light heart, feeling more alive than ever.