Massage Parlours Southerfield CA7

Massage Parlours Southerfield CA7

Mandy sighed contentedly as she lay draped across the massage table. She felt the warmth of the plush fabrics beneath her body, a gentle contrast to the cool air emanating from the room’s air conditioning. It had been a long and stressful day and the massage she’d booked had been a well-timed bit of luxury, blissfully soothing away the tension in her muscles.

The masseur, a woman in her mid-fifties with an expert touch, worked her hands around Mandy’s body in gentle, flowing strokes; knuckles pressed firmly against her back and working the knots of muscle that had grown around her shoulder blades. With every movement she grew more and more relaxed; her body melted into the table as the masseur browsed her with various scented oils and powders, kneading her tiredness with strong, sure movements.

After some time, Mandy felt the tension in her body ease and the masseur took this as an opportunity to lean in close and focus her attention on Mandy’s neck and head. She breathed a gentle sigh of pleasure as the woman’s fingers reached the base of her neck and started to work on the area, lightly massaging the muscles with firm, sweeping motions at the same time as lightly tapping the sides of her head.

The masseur’s hand worked its way down Mandy’s back again, her fingertips now tracing a finer line along the lines of Mandy’s vertebrae and triggering a delicious, tingling sensation that seemed to ripple all the way down her body. As the massage progressed, the strokes grew more involved, the masseur targeting particular aches and pains and coaxing them into submission with gentle but firm pressure, gradually building towards an orgasmic level of relaxation.

Mandy smiled blissfully as the massage reached its crescendo and her body responded to the gentle caresses of her masseuse. With a deep inhalation and exhale, she felt the tension throughout her body melt away entirely, leaving her in a state of utter pleasure and serenity.

After some time, Mandy heard the masseur’s voice softly in the background, offering her warm wishes for a good evening. Losing the ability to respond, Mandy simply smiled in response and nodded, giving her masseuse her silent thanks for the tremendous care she’d received. She then pulled on her robe and made her way unhurriedly towards the reception area of the massage parlour, ready to start the rest of her evening with a feeling of peace and contentment.