Massage Parlours Ossaborough EX34
It had been way too long since I had experienced the feeling of a sensual massage. I made the call and booked an hour out of my day for a massage at one of the massage parlours in Ossaborough EX34. I was greeted warmly by the owner and she guided me to a comfortable room at the back of the parlour.
The massage therapist was a tall, muscular man with strong hands and a gentle touch. Seeing him standing towering over me made me feel safe and excited all at the same time. He began the massage with a light rubbing of lotion, and his hands soon began to caress my neck and shoulders in a slow and rhythmic motion. His touch was gentle and he applied just the right amount of pressure, both firm and soothing.
As his hands steadily moved down the length of my back, they occasionally stroked the sides of my body, sending tingles up and down my spine. His fingers seemed to know exactly where to touch, sending electric shocks through my body that made me moan in pleasure. I closed my eyes and let myself sink into the sensual massage as he gradually moved down my body, working his way past my hips and down to my ankles.
He then began to work his way up my sides, pressing the flat of his hand into my back and neck in long, circular motions. His hands seemed to know instinctually how to massage me, caressing and soothing my body with accurate and expert strokes. I was in a state of total bliss and it was only too soon that the massage came to an end.
I thanked him for the amazing massage before gathering my belongings and leaving the parlour. My body and mind felt refreshed, and it was a wonderful feeling. I left wishing I could come back soon and experience the pleasure of a sensual massage again. Massage Parlours in Ossaborough EX34 had delivered on their promise of quality massage service, and I would definitely be back!