Massage Parlours Booths Hill WA13

Massage Parlours Booths Hill WA13

It was a distant dream that I had to visit the massage parlour at Booths Hill in WA13. I had seen pictures of other massage parlours in my area and this one looked even better. After all, Booths Hill was a nice, clean area and there would certainly be no danger of coming across any seedy goings-on.

For months I had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of my next visit. The thought of a massage combined with the fantasy of a gorgeous massage therapist was too much to bear and I was ready to experience it for myself.

When the day finally arrived, I was almost giddy with excitement. The massage parlour at Booths Hill was a top-notch establishment that boasted a clean and inviting atmosphere. Upon entering, I was immediately taken aback by the sophistication of the rooms. The walls were white, with a deep green carpet. Dim lighting completed the atmosphere and I instantly felt relaxed.

The first thing I noticed was the different massage tables available. There were four massage beds, each with a different massage technique to offer. I was fortunate enough to experience all four massage techniques.

The first massage technique I tried was Thai massage. This massage combines traditional Thai massage therapy with natural oils. The therapist used their hands, feet, and elbows to knead my tight muscles while providing a stimulating and restful massage. I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised by the sensation.

The second massage technique I experienced was Shiatsu massage. This massage combines traditional Japanese massage with a soothing massage. My therapist used gentle pressure on my body with their palms and fingers to stimulate energy throughout my body. During this massage I experienced a calming state of relaxation which was a nice surprise.

The third massage technique I experienced was Swedish massage. Swedish massage uses various strokes and rubbing to improve circulation and offer relaxation. This massage was a great way to unwind from a stressful day. I was able to feel the tension ease from my body as the massage therapist worked out each and every muscle.

The last massage technique I experienced was hot stone massage. This massage uses heated stones to massage the body. The warmth of the stones helps to warm the muscles and stimulate circulation. The therapist used the stones to massage my body from my neck down to my toes.

After my massage I felt unbelievably rejuvenated. I felt as if I had had a day of pampering in the spa. The atmosphere, the techniques, and the service were top-notch and I would highly recommend the massage parlour at Booths Hill to anyone. It truly was an unforgettable experience.