Massage Parlours Buckworth PE28

A Steamy Visit to the Massage Parlour

Jennifer had been feeling stressed for a few weeks. Work was taking up most of her hours, and she just did not have the time to relax. She was desperate for a night out and decided to start her evening by visiting the massage parlour in Buckworth.

After a few minutes of walking, Jennifer found herself standing in front of an unassuming building. She was struck by how innocent it looked from the outside, but as she pushed open the door she was surprised by the innuendo emanating from the storeroom. She pushed the door open and ventured inside, finding herself in a dimly lit room. The air was filled with thick fragrant scent of incense and the sound of hushed voices.

There were several attractive women in the room. All of them were wearing lingerie in deep reds and purples. Jennifer was taken aback by the beauty of these women. She had expected something sleazy, but these women appeared to be extremely professional and had a certain grace about them. She also noticed that they all had trays of small items; ointments, oils, and other therapeutic items which she had never seen before.

It was then that a tall, handsome man greeted her. He introduced himself as the owner of the parlour and welcomed her to visit. He said that she could choose from any of the girls in the room and if she was not satisfied with her choice, she could always come back. Feeling reassured, Jennifer chose the woman who appeared to be closest to her in looks; a petite dark haired woman.

“My name is Amy,” she said, smiling warmly.

Jennifer was immediately taken in by Amy’s serene presence. She was certain that this woman was going to help her relax after a hard day at work. Without further ado, Amy led Jennifer to a private room and encouraged her to settle in before the massage began.

Once in the private room, Amy dimmed the lights and lit several candles, filling the air with the sweet scent of jasmine. Jennifer was struck by how peaceful the atmosphere was. For the first time in weeks, she felt relaxed.

Amy began with gentle strokes using a combination of oil, ointment and massage cream. As she worked, Jennifer felt her tension melting away. The heat of Amy’s hands seemed to travel through her body, leaving her feeling more and more relaxed with every movement.

Soon Amy started to focus on more sensitive areas. Her fingers began to gently brush against Jennifer’s inner legs and other areas normally off limits during traditional massages. Jennifer felt something strange stirring inside of her; a deep desire that filled her with warmth and pleasure. She gasped as she realised what was happening to her. Amy smiled knowingly and increased the intensity of her stroke, pushing Jennifer to the edge of pleasure.

Eventually, Jennifer reached a place of pure ecstasy. She surrendered completely to sensual touch, allowing Amy to take her to a place of blissful relaxation. When it was all over, Jennifer felt almost reborn. She was deeply relaxed, yet her skin felt electrified with pleasure.

Afterwards, Amy asked Jennifer if she wanted to try something else. When Jennifer heard what the options were, she felt excited and slightly embarrassed. Bdsm, light bondage, and hard spanking were all on the menu and Jennifer was not sure what to do. In the end, she decided to take the plunge and allow Amy to lead her into a world of pleasure and pain.

The session did not start with the intense sensations that she was expecting. To her surprise, Amy began by tenderly spanking her with a soft, feather like instrument. Jennifer felt a stream of pleasure radiating through her body as Amy sensually spanked her in all the right places.

Afterwards, Amy started to experiment with more intense sensations. She used a series of belts, crops, and vibrators on her, sending Jennifer into a tangle of arousal and excitement. Jennifer gasped out loud as the sensations flowed through her body.

When it was all done, Jennifer felt deeply content. She thanked Amy for her services and left the massage parlour with a huge smile on her face. She had certainly enjoyed her evening and had felt the stress of the week melt away.

Later that night, as she recounted her experience to her friends over cocktails, she realised just how liberating it had been to embrace her inner desires in such a safe and professional environment. She was full of admiration for the skill and patience of the staff at the parlour, and promised herself that she would be back for another visit soon.