Massage Parlours Horncastle RG30

Massage Parlours Horncastle RG30

John had been living in the area for almost a year now, and he was in dire need of a massage. He had been working long hours and was completely exhausted, so a massage was exactly what he needed to get rid of all the tension in his body. On his way home from work one day, John decided to check out the massage parlours in Horncastle, RG30. He had heard from a colleague that these places were very affordable and could provide excellent relaxation.

Little did he know that this would be much more than a simple massage.

John entered the massage parlour and was instantly greeted with a smile from the receptionist. She asked him what type of massage he would like and he chose the full body massage. She then asked him what kind of oil he would like and he chose a relaxing lavender variety. She directed him to a massage room and told him to undress and lie face down on the massage table.

Once situated, John felt himself relax as the masseuse began to work her magic. He had no idea what to expect, but he knew he was in good hands as the masseuse was clearly an expert. She used her knowledge of different massage techniques to work the tension out of John’s body. John felt himself relax even more as she worked her way down the length of his body.

By the time she reached the lower half of his body, John was feeling completely relaxed and could feel that the masseuse was paying extra attention to his legs and thighs. She proceeded to massage his inner thighs, causing him to moan with pleasure. It felt amazing and he was so relaxed that he didn’t even realize she was starting to massage his groin area.

John was startled when the masseuse began to massage his erect member. He had no idea that this would happen, but he felt his body grow even more relaxed as she worked her way up and down his manhood. John let out a deep moan as the masseuse expertly stroked his length.

Once the session was over, John felt completely rejuvenated and deeply satisfied. He thanked the masseuse and offered to pay her more, which she graciously declined. John made a mental note of the parlour’s address and exited the room feeling amazing.

For the next few weeks, John returned to the massage parlour every time he needed relief. He ended up requesting the same masseuse, who seemed to be quite fond of him. She eventually revealed to him that she was actually more than just a masseuse – she was a professional dominatrix.

John was intrigued and decided to enter into a submissive relationship with the masseuse. Over the next few months, John and his masseuse explored a variety of different sexual activities involving bondage, discipline, and sado-masochism. The experience was unlike anything John had ever had before and he soon found himself falling madly in love with his masseuse.

After a few months, John’s masseuse invited him to move in with her. He accepted, and the two of them have been living together ever since. John has come to realise that sometimes the right kind of relaxation isn’t found in a massage parlour, but in the arms of someone you love.