Massage Parlours Orton CA10

Massage Parlours Orton CA10 – A Sizzling Story

It was a typical day for the massage parlours of Orton CA10; a steady stream of clients walking in the door, looking for a little respite from the stresses of their daily lives. That is until a most unexpected visitor arrived.

He had a rugged, outdoorsy look about him and wore a dark brown leather duster billowing around his long limbs like a cape, a menacing glint in his eye and his close-cropped beard stubble. He moved with a confident air and seemed like the kind of man who didn’t take no for an answer.

The receptionist, a petite woman with a sharp bob and her head lowered in concentration, looked up in alarm as the door opened and he stepped in.

“Welcome to our massage parlors sir. How can we help you today?” She asked warily, already a little nervous about the man’s presence in the room.

He flashed a white-toothed smile that conveyed both charm and a hint of danger and stepped forward.

“I’m here for a massage. I think I’ll let you decide which one will be best.”

The receptionist nodded, still nervous, but seemingly drawn to the man despite her fear of what might happen. She gestured to a nearby massage table, and the man at once stepped forward, laying down his coat and donning the provided robe with a flourish.

“Where would you like me to start?” The masseuse asked, her hands already in motion, lightly rubbing the man’s neck and shoulders.

“I think I’ll leave that up to you,” the man replied smoothly, leaning back into the massage table, eyes closed in pleasure already.

The masseuse accepted his response and eagerly set to work, feeling out the man’s body with her expert hands and soon becoming more and more aroused as she worked her magic.

As the massage progressed, the man began to moan softly, his resistance to the pleasure melting away with each touch. The masseuse found her own breathing becoming more and more ragged, her heart pounding in her chest, as the man’s desire for her swelled. Before long, the man could hardly wait any longer and flipped the tables, rolling over on top of the masseuse and seeking her lips.

The kiss was slow and sweet, conveying the same power and danger that the man exuded when he first stepped in the door. The masseuse knew immediately that she wanted more, that this man was not the kind of man to be taken lightly.

The masseuse leaned back further, allowing the man further access to her body, his hands wandering possessively across her curves as the passionate kiss continued. Soon his hands had moved to the hem of her skirt, and the masseuse gasped softly as he pulled her skirt up higher, revealing her alabaster skin.

The man’s hand moved lower and lower, eliciting even more gasp of pleasure from the masseuse as he touched her in ever more intimate places. His kisses got deeper, his hands more demanding, eliciting more and more pleasure from the masseuse until the pair was lost in their own world, the outside world forgotten and the massage parlors a distant memory.

The two were lost in a blissful haze of pleasure for what felt like an eternity, their tensions finally released, until a sudden knock at the door jostled them out of their cocoon.

“Excuse me,” the receptionist said haltingly, her face a deep shade of red. “I just wanted to let you know that you’ve been here a while…”

The man grinned and winked at the masseuse before turning to the receptionist. “Thank you for the reminder”, he said, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. “We were just finishing up here anyway.”

The masseuse, still quivering with pleasure, watched with longing eyes as the man rose and strapped on his duster, relinquishing his hold on the massage parlor and stepping out into the night.

And as the man disappeared out of view, the masseuse were left with a single thought – when, oh when, will he return again?