Massage Parlours Redmain CA13

Massage Parlours Redmain CA13

It was a hot, balmy summer day in Redmain and I had decided to take a break from my stressful job to treat myself to a visit to one of the local massage parlours. The massage parlours of Redmain had long been known among the locals for offering the very best in sensual relaxation. As I stepped through the entrance and into the main room, I immediately felt a sense of calmness wash over me.

I was greeted by a friendly, attractive masseuse who escorted me to one of the massage rooms. Once inside, she offered me a choice of scented massage oils and then began to expertly massage my body. The sensation of the soothing massage on my tense muscles and tight skin was absolutely heavenly.

I had to admit as I lay there on the massage table with the warm oil being applied to my skin, I began to fantasize about what else could be offered by the massage parlours of Redmain. My thoughts were quickly divided as my masseuse began to focus her attention on my inner thighs and the area just above my crotch. At first I felt embarrassed and somewhat exposed, however it soon became apparent that this was all part of the massage experience and I allowed myself to drift into a state of total relaxation.

My fascination with the massage parlours of Redmain was growing with each moment and without warning, my masseuse’s hands were now caressing my inner thighs even further up toward my most intimate area. I could feel my excitement building as I realized exactly how skilled she was. Then before I knew it, I was overcome with an intense, tingling sensation. She had now moved up to my inner labia and was meticulously massaging and caressing the area, which was sending electric pulses of pleasure all around my body.

A few moments later, I was fully aroused and as my breathing grew heavier, my masseuse looked up at me and suggested perhaps we could move on to more adult themed activities. I gladly accepted her proposal and with that, she positioned me on my back, straddled me and began to lather her body with massage oil. She then proceeded to explore my entire body from head to toe with her soft, sensuous hands.

With each newfound erogenous zone she discovered on my body, the pleasure I was experiencing intensified to a level I had never experienced before. It felt as if my entire body was being transported to some heavenly place and I soon realised how skilled the masseuses of Redmain really were.

Finally as I was about to climax, my masseuse slowly maneuvered her body beneath mine and gently kissed me on the lips. This was the final act that sent me completely over the edge and I must admit that I felt a sense of sadness as the massage parlour experience had sadly come to an end.

As I left the massage parlours of Redmain with a newfound appreciation for the skill and pleasure the masseuses had to offer, I knew I would return sooner rather than later.