Massage Parlours Tinkers Bridge MK6

It was just another day at work for Jessica, the masseuse at the massage parlor in Tinkers Bridge MK6. As usual, she had been busy attending to clients throughout the morning, taking care of their various physical needs. But today, a new client had made an appointment, and she had a feeling that this one was going to be special.

She had been working at the parlor for several months now and it had become part of her daily routine. The routine never varied, and she was so used to it by now it was almost second nature. Every morning she would arrive and get ready for the day ahead. She’d freshen up the room, stock her supplies, and then wait for the clients to arrive.

Sometimes there’d be a few regulars, most of whom she knew quite well. They’d get their massage, chat a bit, exchange some pleasantries, and then be on their way. But today, a new client had booked a session with her. She had no idea who he was, or what he looked like.

At least that’s what Jessica thought. When she heard the client rattling at the door she had a feeling that it could be him, her mysterious new client. As she opened the door, her suspicions were confirmed. Standing there, in the doorway, was the tall and handsome figure. He had a look of confidence and a proper air about him.

Jessica smiled to herself and ushered him into the parlor. The client made his way into the room and Jessica closed the door behind them. She offered him a seat and he obliged without hesitation.

As he made himself comfortable, Jessica sat by his side, ready to start the massage. Her hands glided over his body, starting at his neck and working their way down. She felt the tension in his muscles and sent wave after wave of pleasure through his body.

He closed his eyes and gasped with pleasure as the massage continued. His body responded to her touch and Jessica could tell that he was enjoying every minute of it. She kept her hands moving, fluidly massaging and caressing his body until the client was radiating with pleasure.

After a while, Jessica broke the silence and asked him a simple question.

“Do you want to move on to something else?”

The client opened his eyes, a twinkle in them, and replied, “Sure, why not.”

Jessica smiled, feeling that she had succeeded in what she had set out to do, and continued to get to work. She moved from his back to his feet, kneading and massaging each and every muscle along the way.

The client moaned with pleasure, succumbing to her touch and allowing her to take him to new heights of pleasure. As time passed, Jessica worked her way up his body and began to explore the more intimate regions, finally making her way up to his abdomen.

She hesitated for a moment, questioning if it was the right move. But the client put a hand on hers, reassuring her that he wanted to go further. He lay down on his back and Jessica straddled him, her hands exploring his body in a new way.

The client gasped as Jessica moved in, her lips touching his in a passionate kiss. Her hands caressed his chest, exploring his body in ways that neither of them had ever experienced before. As they moved together, the intensity of their embrace mounting with every second, they both let out loud moans of pleasure.

Before they knew it, they were both climaxing, their bodies quivering against each other in the extreme pleasure of the moment. The client thanked her, unbelieving of what had just happened, and Jessica smiled, proud of her work.

As the client got ready to leave, he asked her if she was available for a private session in the future. She told him that she was, with the promise of an even more pleasurable session. He smiled, thanked her once again and left, already looking forward to their next session.

Jessica, meanwhile, was amazed by the experience. She had just provided her client with something that he had never felt before, and she was proud of her accomplishment. She had stepped out of her comfort zone and into a world that she had never explored before, and she couldn’t wait to do it again.