Massage Parlours Workington CA14

Massage Parlours Workington CA14

It was a warm summer evening in Workington, California, and the beautiful massage parlours that lined the streets were doing a brisk business. I had been searching for a place that could give me a full body massage, and I finally found what I was looking for.

The massage parlour was tucked away on a quiet side street, out of sight from the bustling traffic on the main road. There were two large windows, both of which were filled with a colorful array of massage oils and candles, and a sign that proclaimed “Professional Therapeutic Massage”. I approached the door and opened it to find a small, comfortable room with several massage tables.

A young, attractive woman welcomed me from behind a counter and asked me what I was looking for. I told her that I was looking for a full body massage and she smiled, nodding her head in understanding. She asked if I would prefer a Swedish or deep tissue massage and I opted for Swedish, as it sounded more relaxing.

The massage therapist ushered me into a back room and asked me to change into the robe that the parlour provided. After changing, I was asked to lie down on the massage table, face down, and to remain as still as possible. The massager then began working his way around my body, beginning from my feet and slowly making his way up to my neck and shoulders.

The massage therapist used his hands, body weight and elbows to knead and press points all around my body. Every now and then he would stop and work on a particularly tense spot and then move on. The combination of pressure and motion was incredibly relaxing and it felt like the massage therapist was actually pulling away the stress of the day.

After working his way around my body, the massage therapist finished up by massaging my hands and feet. When he was finished, he gave me a quick rub down of the body and asked me to turn over. He then massaged my chest, back and arms and finished up with a concluding massage of my head.

The massage therapist asked me how I felt and I told him that I was feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. I thanked him for the wonderful experience and left the massage parlour feeling much more relaxed and ready for the week ahead.

The massage parlour in Workington, CA14, had provided me with an excellent massage and it was a great way to unwind from a stressful day. The massage parlour was clean, professional, and the massage therapist was highly trained and skilled. The staff was friendly and helpful and I will definitely be returning in the future.

Massage parlours in Workington, CA14, provide an excellent way to relax and rejuvenate the body. The massage therapists are highly trained and use techniques that are designed to provide maximum relaxation and rejuvenation. The massage parlour also offers a wide range of services including aromatherapy, hot stone massage and facials.

The massage parlors in Workington are also great places to find out about massage specials that are running in the area. It is a great way to save money on your massage and get the most out of it. Massage parlours in Workington offer a variety of different massages that include Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, hot stone massage, aromatherapy and more.

For those who are looking to experience pleasure as well as relaxation during a massage, many massage parlours in Workington offer erotic massage services. These services combine gentle massage strokes and the use of oils to create a sensual experience that is sexually stimulating.

So if you’re in the area and looking for a massage, a massage parlour in Workington, CA14, is the best place to go. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing massage or sexual satisfaction, you can be sure that the massage parlours in Workington have something to offer.